Site Notice

This website ( is published by Grob Aircraft France SASU whose registered office is :

1 l’Aérodrome
17500 Saint-Germain-de-Lusignan

Trade and Companies Register : 901 268 508 R.C.S Saintes
Company with capital of 100.000 Euros
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A hypertext link pointing to the Site can only be set up with the prior written authorization of H3 Grob Aircraft France SASU. The hypertext links set up on the Site can take the user to the websites of different partners. It is specified that Grob Aircraft France SASU has not verified all sites possibly linked to its own, their content and the information present there, and therefore declines all responsibility for the content, advertising, products or services available on these sites and on the use made of them by the user. The use of these sites by the user is the sole responsibility of the latter.

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In accordance with the “Informatique et Libertés” law of January 6, 1978 as amended and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), you have the right to access, rectify, delete, limit and portability of data about you. You can also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning you. To exercise these rights, you can contact our data protection officer at the following address: .

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Telephone: +33 1 53 73 22 22